Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mlk Analysis Dream Speech Essay - 1034 Words

Martin Luther Kings speech I Have a Dream delivered on August 28, 1963 is said to be the greatest demonstration of Americas history. Dr. King intended to appeal to both black and white audiences through his inspirational speech. Written in a persuasive, stylistic manner, he used strong diction to call for a change in the nation, doing so without violence. He successfully combined the use of repetition, word choice and figurative language in his speech to connect to his audience and set the emotional tone of the harsh segregations facing African-Americans of the time. Throughout his speech, King uses repetition to leave a powerful, lasting impact on his audience. The use of repetition gives his speech a rhythmic quality and sets a†¦show more content†¦Obviously, Dr. King wants to make the point that if America is going to be the great country its known to be, then all men in every state, from the east to the west needs to be given the equal right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, despite the color of their skin. Through the use of metaphors, King arouses emotion in his audience and gives them the feeling of hope. To convey the value and perception of his ideas, he says, Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check. Using bad check as a metaphor he is showing economic injustice, and is describing the difference between the rights guaranteed by the Constitution compared to the current political and social realities. Most people can relate to the negativity and burden of a bad check. In the next paragraph, King follows through and concentrates on gaining economic justice when he says, cashing the check. Adding to this he also says, This nation will rise up, implying a threat to the white people that this is the start of a new revolution. King states, Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today [Â…]. The shadow symbolizes the darkness the blacks are facing, even after the signing of President Lincolns Emanc ipation Proclamation. He then continues to say the great beacon light of hope, meaning the light of the day when they collectively reach complete equality. King uses many metaphors throughoutShow MoreRelatedLincoln And Abraham Lincolns I Have A Dream Speech956 Words   |  4 PagesMartin Luther King Jr. asserted, â€Å"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.† Martin Luther King Jr. was an astute abolitionist who performed a vital speech called I Have a Dream. 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